

This is a complement to the Leviou - Magnetic levitating display,
It levitates perfectly on top of the display and we will customize this logotype with whatever logotype you want to make.

Creating a customized logotype that fits a levitating magnetic display with base and magnet description involves a careful consideration of the design elements and representation of the product's key features. Below is a description of a potential logotype along with an accompanying visual representation:

Logotype :

1. Iconography: The logotype should incorporate an abstract representation of the levitating magnetic display. Use clean lines and minimalist design to ensure simplicity and clarity.

2. Typography: Choose a modern and sleek font for the brand name. It should be easily readable, reflecting a high-tech and innovative feel.

3. Colors: Utilize a combination of colors that represents sophistication, innovation, and magnetism. Consider using a mix of deep blues, electric greens, and metallic silver/grey to evoke the sense of futuristic technology.

4. Slogan/Tagline: Optionally, include a short and catchy slogan or tagline that encapsulates the essence of the product, like "Elevate Your Display."

Visual Representation:

Imagine the logotype as follows:
Icon: The iconography of the logotype will be an abstract depiction of a magnetic field with a floating object above it. The object could represent a smartphone, a tablet, or any other device that the magnetic display can hold and levitate.

Typography: The brand name will be written in capital letters with a modern sans-serif font. For instance, a font like "Montserrat" or "Robot" could be used to convey a contemporary and innovative look.

Slogan/Tagline: If a slogan is added, it should be placed beneath the brand name in a smaller font size and complement the logotype's overall design.

Base size: 12cm x 12cm x 2cm
Levitating Magnet size: u03a64 x 1cm
Levitating height: 2 - 4 cm

Package includes:
1 x Customized logotype as you want it, with your colors of choice.

Note: This product is only a customized logotype and does not include Magnetic Base and magnet.