

This is Ember created from the kit by Tasha Edenholm.
Baby details....
20 inches long
Weighs 6lb 5 oz
3/4 arms and 3/4 legs on a fully jointed cloth body.
Limbs move easily. Lovely to Pose.
Expertly painted in GHSP.
Painted brows
beautiful rooted hair in shades of brown, lovely swirl and rooted cuticle correct so will not matt. double sealed so can be dampened and styled.
Rooted eyelashes fully sealed.
Living skin tones, mottling, veins and detail.
Nails tipped and sealed.
Weighted with ground glass and poly beads.
Wears newborn size clothing.

Ember is a heavy, floppy, cuddly baby boy. He will feel like a newborn in your arms. You will need to support his head.