

Since the inception of the EDC Decompression toys, it seems that all toy types (fingertip gyroscopes, snapping coins, sliders) are begging to be stabilized-not shaken, not disintegrated.
But there is that small group of people who love the challenge of difficult movements.

Thus was born the Infinity Push Cards.

This time, we also play a little fancy, bring a brand new type of single-row magnet infinite position fancy Slider - Fortune Cookie

The first concept sample was hand-polished by designer Yimo over a period of half a year, and those of you who went to the Chengdu show in June should have had a chance to play with it.

After that, after several proofs and adjustments, we transplanted the structure and gameplay to metal.

The Fortune Cookie of the structure is the combination of the top shell Buck Ball and the magnetic levitation effect of the repulsive magnets. The Buck Ball rotates to allow for a variety of play styles, while the magnet levitation further adds to the Q-tip feeling of pushing.

The factory-assembled Buck Balls in positions 1, 3, and 5 can be categorized into 6 major plays:
1. Straight push passages
2.Fancy Infinity
3.Straight Push Back Spin
4.Silent Spin
5.360u00b0 Windmill
6.Telegraph Clip / seesaw
The 360u00b0 windmill requires skillful mastery of strength and is not recommended for novices to try directly without protection.

The lighter the weight of the upper shell, the stronger the vibration feedback, and at the same time the difficulty of the fancy will be a little lower.

And through the different Buck Ball position arrangement, you can diy out more play, such as spin play, specific methods and installation and disassembly video will be uploaded later!

Since spinning is one of the core games of the Fortune Cookie, spinning "Qian"(which means making money in Chinese) also carries the meaning of good luck. (Special thanks to "Thirteen" and "Jing" for providing important ideas for the product name).

The first three materials: stainless steel, titanium alloy, zirconium alloy, internal numbering corresponds to three blessings:
Stainless steel: GOOD LUCK Good luck always!
Titanium alloy: GREAT FORTUNE, the source of wealth is rolling in.
Zirconium alloy: GODSPEED, all good fortune.

Players are welcome to join my FB group, we will update pictures of new products and demo videos as soon as possible, and share pictures of customized products: ./groups/greatwhiteedc

All orders have been insured. If there is a problem with the logistics, please contact us directly and we will solve it.