

Orgonite Pyramid, Crystal Pyramid, Bringing Harmony, Healing Generator, Positive Generator, Self Confidence, Aura ProtectingtRelive Stress, Natural Energy, Chakra BelencingtPowerful Stone, Handmade Pieces, Gemstone Pyramid.

Orgone Pyramid Red Carnelian Chakra Balancing Bringing Overall Harmony Reiki Healing Generator Selenite Crystal Cave Orgonite Pyramid 65 MM.

Carnelian is the life of the party. Creative and confident, the energy of a Carnelian stone motivates a rush of vibrancy within the sacred chakra to bring forth your inner star.

Tapping into its properties will lend a sense of power that can prove especially beneficial for anyone needing to break through creativity blocks or those embarking on new projects and ambitions.

Selenite is a very sensitive stone that acts just like a liquid light from this world to the angelic realm, and vice versa.

Selenite will make love happen for you by removing all the old and outdated notions you have in your mind about the perfect partner and the right kind of love.

"Orgone pyramids, aside from being major eye candy, are highly sought-after devices known for their ability to convert negative energy into positive energy and balance the spiritual, emotional and physical body. Think of an orgone pyramid as a filter for toxic energy in the atmosphere (like positive ions from EMFs).

**9 Common benefits of orgone:**

1) Neutralize EMF radiation.
2) Clear negative energy.
3) Aid in meditation.
4) Support restful sleep.
5) Enhance lucid dreaming.
6) Relieve stress.
7) Purify the atmosphere.
8) Detoxify water.
9) Improve plant growth.

With such a long list of benefits people have experienced, itu2019s no wonder they recommend having an orgone pyramid in every room at home!"