

Goddess Gift Boxud83cudf81
~for him and for her~
Ritual kit, Birthday gift, New Year of the Dragon gift box, Cosmic Events Ritual box, Ritual Magic, Witch Altar, Divination Tools, Magic Altar, Offerings, Spiritual Empowerment, Love rituals, Awareness, Healing, Incantation, Invocation, Purification, Protection, Cleansing, Relaxationu2728ud83cudf81ud83dudc8eud83dudc09ud83eude77ud83eudeb7ud83dudc32ud83cudf39ud83euddd9ud83cudffbu2728ud83euddddu200du2640ufe0fud83euddddu200du2642ufe0f
-One box contains 20 pieces or more

u2728sacred herbs and ingredients long used in rituals for healing, purifications, cleansing, empowerment, manifestation, abundance, love and more.
u2728stones, crystal seeds and home made candles
u2728dried herbs and flowers that i have grown myself or i picked them on full moon rituals or cosmic events
u2728dragon imprints altar cloth and floral, star pouches
u2728Sage bundle smudging ritual
u2728Ritual tea herbs
u2728Resurrection bath ritual sachet
u2728Goddess Love healing and Mother Nature bath ritual sachet
u2728Goddess Wealth Wishing candle, Mother Nature and Goddess Love ritual candle
u2728Love Ritual powder
u2728Ward off Evil Smudging ritual powder
u2728beautiful recipients, packed and ready to be sent for yourself or as a gift.
- one product from each creation
-ud83dudca5 You might like to visit my
Altar Divination Tools
section on my shop, browse through my offerings which includes magic powders, candles, sacred herbs and anointed oils ~handmade by myself.

u2728Original design handmade Dragon crystal bracelet with lapis lazuli, citrine, carnelian and dragon head. 18.5 centimeters length and elastic band

ud83dudca5 shipping

u2728I have added hand written notes for every item, Please message me for more details if is necessary
THANK YOU ud83eudd0dud83cudf39ud83eudd0d.

u2728This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease.
Products sold on this site are
NOT to be internally digested.
According to Etsy policy we comply and sell this product as a curiosity.