

This ring can fit a size 8 tight. Not recommended. But itu2019s 7-7.5 size.

This beautiful ring doesnu2019t have a random spectrolite itu2019s one of the best out there! Dotted as well! What a fantastic ring!

Place this crystal anywhere in your

home or workplace to amplify good

fortune and bring to realization

desired goal. This crystal immediately

alights ones chakras by tuning the

frequencies of the minerals within our

bodies. Placing this tone at work will

manifest all your desires for success

and success will come. Not in the

form you expect, but in whatever is

better for you in this life. At home it

helps those around you see the good

in all and manifest it. You will start to notice people coming together, reflecting and forgiving.

This stone is the wonder stone for acceptance. If you need to tell someone a harsh truth, this stone will allow both of you to accept the inevitable without any ill consequences. All will be forgiven.

Labradorite/spectrolite.NOTE TO INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: International Shipping orders Outside of the continent of North America will not come with a TRACKING NUMBER. If you want a trackable item, contact me. usually packages with tracking number outside of The North American continent will be from $50 to $100 dollars. As you can see, if we ship it out of our own pockets we will not make any income, but contact me, or i will contact you, so you may know how we will proceed. I appreciate your understanding!.

Disclaimer: We believe in the power of mind over matter. We suggest metaphysical answers which are called by the scientific community as, 'pseudoscience'; hence, we suggest our description to be of a metaphysical and spiritual nature, where words do not suffice for description, and the reliance in not in scientific facts, but in no way are we trying to replace any content from the world of matter. and the scientific community. Our metaphysical descriptions are imperatively linked with our products and the world of spirit, which scientific minds won't easily comprehend, for there is a standard in that community and their minds won't be waived. Again, we provide description for those who want to know the meaning of what they will be buying, and so shall we provide such service :)