

*** No deliveries to Germany from August 2022
*** Keine Lieferungen nach Deutschland ab August 2022

Handmade hair comb. Pocket comb. Ox horn. Finish - linseed oil

*The natural thickness and shape of the material with its unevenness is best preserved

***Metal and other hard objects can damage and scratch the products
Keep away from your pet

*** How to take care of the wooden and horn combs.
Our combs can be used on damp hair and beard but do not leave the comb exposed to water for long periods of time. Dry the damp comb with a cloth. Do not use a dryer or another electrical appliance. Do not heat, there is a risk of fissures in the wooden combs, and the horn combs may become detached. Keep the combs out of prolonged sun exposure. Every 2-3 months, wooden combs can be moistened by greasing with linseed oil, which is then carefully wiped. Before that, it's good to clean the comb with a damp cloth.

***If you have questions about this product, I am at your disposal and will answer with pleasure