

ud83cudf1f Natural Gemstone Ring Cone Holders ud83cudf1f

Elevate your jewelry display with our stunning Ring Cone holders crafted from 100% natural gemstones. u2728 We specifically use Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz to shape these exquisite pieces, showcasing the inherent beauty of natural crystals with unique imperfections like charming pockets or nicks. ud83dudc8e

ud83dudccf Height: approximately 7-8cm
ud83dudcd0 Width at the base: 2.5cm - 2.6cm

Fits most ring sizes, and you can stack multiple rings on one cone! ud83dudc8d

ud83cudfa8 Each piece is customized and unique, adding a touch of individuality to your collection. ud83cudf08

ud83dude9a Shipping Information:
ud83cudf0d Worldwide shipping available! ud83cudf10
ud83dudce6 Delivery price is fixed. Order more than 1 item, and no additional delivery fee will be d. ud83cudd93

Bulk Orders:
ud83cudf89 Planning a big event or need gifts for a large group? Bulk orders of 20 or more are available! ud83dudecdufe0f Contact us for special pricing and customization options.

Thank you for choosing our handmade gemstone Ring Cone holders! ud83dude4cu2728