

All items are made out of stainless, corrosion-resistant steel.
Designed specifically for use in very damp areas.

u3013SIZE (length / depth / height):

- 30 cm / 10 cm / 8 cm
[ 11.8 / 4 / 3.2 inches ]

- 40 cm / 10 cm / 8 cm
[ 15.8 / 4 / 3.2 inches ]

- 50 cm / 10 cm / 8 cm
[ 19.7 / 4 / 3.2 inches ]

- 60 cm / 10 cm / 8 cm
[ 23.6 / 4 / 3.2 inches ]

u3013 COLORS
Black, gray or white

Stainless steel

u3013 FINISH
Powder coating with fine texture

ud83dudcac If you have any questions regarding our products do not hesitate to contact us!