

5-Cassette Audiobook Set:u00a0 The Indwelling Spirit, Approaches to Prayer & Life, by Bishop Robert Morneaur
u00a0This is a 5 cassette Set (with space for a 6th cassette of your own in the case) that is pre-owned and in mint condition.r
How is God speaking to you? How has the mystery of God touched your life? Howr
much quality time do you spend reflecting on the mystery of the Spirit dwelling inr
In this series, Bishop Robert Morneau interweaves theological truths withr
poetry and literature, inviting the listener to enter into the literary dimensionr
as a source for reflection and inspiration. The Bishop's stories, humor andr
pastoral experience enrich his announcement of the Christian message of lifer
in the Spirit who empowers us, enlightens us and enables us to love.r
Listen as the Bishop guides you in exploring the dynamics of the mysteryr
of the Holy Spirit at work in the world, in the Church and in your life. And ber
ready to respond to the challenge to spend some quality time every day re-r
flecting on the mystery of God in your life. Let the Spirit transform you.r
Five conferences recorded live at the Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville,r
PA. Each conference is approximately 50 minutes.r
u00a0DSP-154:u00a0 The Holy Spirit and Prayerr
DSP-155:u00a0 The Holy Spirit Drawing Us into the Life of the Trinityr
DSP-156:u00a0 The Holy Spirit and Poetryr
DSP-157:u00a0 The Holy Spirit and Evangelizationr
DSP-158:u00a0 The Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of Godu00a0r
Published by Pauline Books and Media in 2000.r
Bishop Robert Morneau was ordained auxiliary bishop of Greenr
Bay, Wisconsin on February 22, 1979.u00a0 u00a0He has served as diocesanr
director for religious and instructor of philosophy at Silver Laker
College in Manitowoc, WI. He has also taught at the Summerr
Theological Institute of St. Norbert's Abbey in De Pere, WI.r
Bishop Morneau's writings appear frequently in such periodicalsr
as Contemplative Review; Review for Religious; Sisters Today; Spiri-r
tual Life; and Pastoral Life Magazine. r
He is very popular as a re-r
treat director and lecturer throughout the United States.r
Copyright 2000, PAULINE Books & Mediar
50 Saint Pauls Avenue, Boston, MA 02130-3491r
ISBN 0-8198-3680-X