

You have a situation where someone has told many lies to better themselves, at your expense, and you need the truth to be revealed. This spell can help for the truth to come out, so that everyone will know the whole story, and the whole truth will be revealed for the world to see.

You will be providing much information, so please DO NOT ORDER, unless you are willing to provide all necessary information.

Please provide:

Your Info
Full name
Zodiac sign

Liar's Full Name
Zodiac sign

I will need a thorough explanation of each lie that has been told, and how it has affected you. I will also need to understand your connection to the liar, such as romantic, or is it a work connection, or is it family. For each lie that has been told, there will be a petition written and a spell cast to reverse all of the lies, and to remove any negative effects from your reputation. The lies will be revealed for the whole world to see.