

Product Title, Ultra Portable! 1930s* Smith Premier 3 Working Typewriter With Case, Antique, Vintage Gift for her, Christmas Gift & Black Friday Discount ! Fathers day gift Gift for graduation college, valentine day gifts, Gift for girlfriend for her

Smith Premier Typewriter

u2705 u0130t's a antique ultra portable typewriter and it's Condition, mechanizm, paint and chromes are gergeous. Also, all maintenance of the typewriter was done profesionally by us.

u2705 u0130t is a working typewriter and in very rare condition. Keys are glass and very Clearly. We are sending with a new ribbon.

u2705 All decals are Orjinal, And Perfectly.

u2705 It is a pleasant typewriter where you can actively write your articles and memories at home, in your office or on the beach...And if gou want you can give as a Christmas Gift to someone you like as a wife, husband, son, doughter, dad, mom, valentine, friend ...

u2705 u0130t has a special typewriter case! l don't see like it before. That has two places. One is main place, and the other for cleanin thing, or brush, oil etc.

u2705 It is quality and portable product. u0130t's made from USA. The typewriter key sound is beautiful and of has glass key..

u2705 I am sure it will add a very nice atmosphere to your environment :)

u2705 We are in early black Friday Discount!

Sincerely for everyoneud83dude0a