

Baha'i earrings Ringstone in nine pointed star Brass pendant jewelry from Haifa

The Ringstone symbol was designed by u02bbAbdu'l-Bahu00e1,and, as its name implies, is the most common symbol found on rings worn by Bahu00e1u02bcu00ed but it is also used on necklaces, book covers, and paintings. It consists of two stars (haykal) interspersed with a stylized Bahu00e1u02bc. The lower line is said to represent humanity and the world of creation, the upper line the world of God, and the middle line represents the special station of Manifestation of God and the world of revelation; the vertical line is the Primal Will or Holy Spirit proceeding from God through the Manifestations to humanity. The position of Manifestation of God in this symbol is said to be the linking point to God. The two stars or haykals represent Bahu00e1u02bcu'llu00e1h and the Bu00e1b.