

Fine art print, original etching, hand-printed on acid- laid paper.
Small, limited edition: 30
The motif is etched onto a copper plate, inked with high-quality gravure ink, erased and printed by hand on handmade paper.

Motif size: approx. 10 x 10 cm
Paper size: approx. 18 x 15 cm

Etching - Original Prints - Fine Art Prints

Each of my prints is hand inked and individually hand printed on my large gravure press.

Etching is a very old craft (since around 1515) and its execution has hardly changed to this day. Art and craft are combined here in a unique way.

The motif is engraved on a copper plate and etched in many steps (up to 10 etching processes).

After etching, the copper plate is colored with copper printing ink for each individual print and printed by hand on handmade paper in an etching press. Several prints are possible from each copper plate. The amount of the edition (usually 30 or 50) is on the left under the motif in pencil (e.g. 1/50): this is the 1st print of an edition of 50 sheets.

Because each print is individually inked and run through the printing press, unique pieces are created that are never identical.

I really hope that you share my enthusiasm for etching and would be happy if you mark my shop as a favorite and follow my new work constantly. You can find my motifs on ETSY and on my website: .marleneneumann.jimdo
Only the printed sheet is sold, without a passe-partout, without a frame
My goal is to be good for our planet. So I try to reuse shipping materials. The items may be delivered in a used or recycled bag. Filling material etc. made from biodegradable materials as far as possible.


A watermark on the high-quality printing paper is a sign of quality, not a reason for complaint