

Are you a working professional such as an athlete, performer, artist, teacher, business executive, etc, looking to develop more excellence and capability in your chosen craft?

In this consultation, I will thoroughly examine your energy system, identify any energetic, emotional, or creative blocks that may be holding you back professionally, and begin addressing these issues with you.

This process will also include looking at any significant energetic damage, depletion, shut-down, or system imbalances that may adversely affect your ongoing performance.

In one session, I will be able to give you a fairly thorough overview, and together, we can outline a plan to support you and your success.

These Energy Healing sessions are one hour long, and there is the option of one-to-one live-streamed real-time contact for the duration of the session.

Once you book your session, I will contact you to organize a suitable time for your healing and to hear from you about the format in which you would like to receive your session.

It is important to note that no physical items will be sent to you. This entire process is done via energy transmission at a distance.

Session Format

The most common way people receive a healing session is through a live audio connection over FaceTime, WhatsApp, or Zoom. For many people, this is the right balance between the value of me being able to give real-time feedback as we go and them having the personal space and privacy to go deep into their experience.

There are, however, many possibilities when it comes to receiving a session - here are all the options:

- Remotely - with an email or text message at the beginning and the end
- Remotely - with a video or audio connection at the beginning and/or at the end
- Live audio
- Live audio with video

Please tune in, see what feels best for you, and let me know which you prefer using Etsy Message.

If you choose to have a session without video contact, please also send me a picture of yourself before the session so I can use it to tune into your system more easily when we start.

Your Space

Regarding the session, it's helpful to have somewhere prepared to comfortably sit, recline, or lie down - ideally, somewhere you will not be disturbed for the duration of the treatment.

Distance Healing Consultations

My Energy Healing practice specializes in Distance Healing. With over two decades of experience in this field, I have honed my skills to facilitate healing sessions that my clients find remarkably effective, no matter where they are in the world.

The various offerings I have listed in my Etsy shop are all performed at a distance, and they are all just as potent and transformative as receiving Energy Healing in person. As a testament to this, I have developed an ever-growing loyal client base around the globe who attest to the transformative power of my work.

Whether you're searching for Energy Healing near me or are already familiar with the transformative potential of Distance Healing, I encourage you to book a session to experience firsthand the powerful shifts that this kind of Distance Healing (or Distant Healing) can offer.

Disclaimer: I am neither a medical professional nor a psychotherapist, nor am I practicing medicine or psychotherapy. Although I may comment on the nature of body energetics and consciousness in relation to disease and mental health, by placing an order, you are acknowledging that you understand that these comments are not intended as advice for any course of action nor for any medical or mental health issues that you may have and that these healing sessions do not take the place of medical treatment or evaluations, when needed. You also acknowledge that these healing sessions are not intended to treat any health condition or disease you may have. You also acknowledge that although these healing sessions may help you significantly with your situation, you recognize that not everyone can be helped by these healing sessions.