

Product Title, Western Germany ABC Working Typewriter with Case | Strong And Portable Mechanizm | Antique typewriter with Metalic Black - Dark Gray Color, German Quality...

About METALu0130C Color ABC Typewriter:

u2705 Firstly it's a special typewriter that;
- This Vintage typewriter has very gorgeous mechanizm. Working like swiss watch! Also, typewriter Keys sound very very strong And nice..

- u0130t has German Quality that you can feel when you use it..

- Also, it has orginal cover on it,

- it's color is gorgeous,(Metalic Dark gray!)

u2705 The maintenance of the typewriter was done profesionally by us. u0130t is a working typewriter and in very rare condition. We are sending with a new ribbon. You will take this machine and will use it :) or you can take as a gift for her / gift for him. Birthday, valentine's day.

u2705 It is a pleasant typewriter where you can actively write your articles and memories at home, in your office or on the beach...

u2705 I am sure it will add a very nice atmosphere to your environment :)