


The White Black Demountable Bunny House, designed in the style of a medieval castle with two towers connected by a terrace, provides an aesthetic living space while offering a comfortable environment for your rabbits.

The two-story house has three enclosed rooms on the first floor, while the second floor features an open-concept design with a stairs and terrace providing access to the towers.

The house has a total length of 55 inches, with the bridge measuring 21.5 inches in span and 12 inches in width. The towers are made up of rooms that are 10.5 x 13 inches in size.

This product adds an aesthetic touch to your home and provides a comfortable space for your furry friend.
Rabbit House

Bunny Castle, with a Featuring Design a Terrace and Two Towers, White Black Rabbit Palace:A Luxury Residence with Three Stairs and Three Rooms ud83dudc07ud83dudc30ud83cudfe0ud83cudff0