

Larimar top quality AAA
Deep blue

Larimar stone, or rock of Atlantis, is one of the most sought-after pectolites in the world. It was noticed in its raw state for the first time in 1916, in the Dominican Republic, by Father Domingo Fuertes de Loren. The latter who unsuccessfully proposed the exploitation of the mine which contained it. An element with a thousand and one therapeutic and lithographic virtues, it is the result of long and complex volcanic phenomena. In truth, the name of this stone comes from the association of a feminine first name Larissa and Mar (sea in Spanish). It was a resident of the Chupaderos village, named Miguel Mendez, who, while searching for the mine, was amazed by the beauty and reflection of a magnificent stone found at the bottom of a river. He named it like that. The beauty of his daughter (Larissa) and the benefits of thalassotherapy are found in a single stone. It's rather ingenious. The Dominicans can rightly boast of having such a jewel. It is thin, beautiful and effective. If you are at a turning point in your life, or if you are facing a delicate situation, it may be an option.
Larimar is known to have soothing and balancing properties on the psyche and body. Anyone who wears, for example, a necklace, a bracelet, a bracelet or any other object made of this semi-precious rock automatically receives positive energies, necessary for the development of their soul. It is nevertheless important to purify it after purchase, as it has taken on the energies of those who have already handled it. Larimar therefore helps boost a positive attitude when morale is at its lowest. It keeps negative thoughts away. Excessive anger, suicidal thoughts and other negative ideas are fiercely fought just by wearing a pendant. For Hindus, wearing this type of jewelry around the neck allows harmonization and balance of the Laryngeal Chakra. It is this often contradictory dytic of u201cI forgive myself, I forgive others` which, under the influence of the energy coming from the fine rock, stabilizes and calms anger. This catalyst for inner peace, ideal for angry people, is also required for meditations and yoga exercises. It helps to harmonize emotions and balance the body by acting on vital points. The serenity, plenitude and calm that it instills help to achieve a good meditation session and refine creative genius. This is why the larimar stone is highly recommended for artists, whatever the field. Simply place this protective gem in a corner of the workshop, for example.