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The censer can decorate the living room and bedroom, making your living environment more beautiful and warm, and your home more stylish and classy

The incense curing incense can cultivate one's moral character, clear one's mind, help to relax one's mood, reduce pressure, ward off evil spirits and suppress qi, and light a incense burner. This incense burner can create a very quiet and relaxing atmosphere, so that your body and mind can get full rest, and solve the problem of insomnia. Incense can also clean the air, kill insects and bacteria, and improve the environment.

Quantity: one piece

Size uff1a frog tall is 5 cm , long is 5 cm

Lotus leaf diameteruff1aabout 12 cm or 4.8 inches

net weight 226 g around

Materialuff1a ceramics uff0cpottery