

Moo Moo Milk Liner

Great simplistic toy for dogs that is also re-using too!

These moo moo's are originally used for milking cows and after a set period off time they have to be changed to new ones. We then buy these from local farmers giving them some extra support and we sterilise, devalve and quality check them ensuring they're safe for your dog. So why do dogs love the moo moo is what we get asked a lot partly due to being used for milking the cows for a period of around 3 months these sugar then impregnate into the moo moo giving a scent the dogs love. The reason our guys love this toy so much is its soft rubber it is made from have just enough give for them to throw around but strong enough to make a great lasting toy.

Approx length 33cm

Please do remember this is a soft rubber toy so may not last strenuous chewing