

Please note colour we will do our best to make this the main colour fo the toy

Paws Madeu2122 toys are designed here in the UK by us. Not only this they are also made in the UK too. Offering a high value toy for reward based training games with a great range of toys to choose from suiting many different dogs whether it be food or tug toys your doggos love.

The Paws Made fleece tug is an item we have sold for many many moons and is always a firm favourite or go to in most dogs toy selection!

It is a simple yet favoured tug toy used by many in multiple disclipines like obedience, agility and flyball. Great for helping create a toy drive in your dog given the correct circumstances. The toy has a handle at one end for you to hold and a knot at the other for your dog to tug with. These are plaitted to a nice strong quality toy consisting of three strands of fleece.

Size: Length 45-65cm

Please do not leave your dogs unattended with any Paws Madeu2122 toy , as these are designed to be a interactive toy between you and your dog .
Colours: Please note images may not show true representation of real life colour
Sizing: All sizes are approximates and may be subject to change dependant on stock as natural materials are used