

A long-sleeved nurse jersey is a type of medical clothing worn by nurses or other medical personnel who are usually employed in the healthcare industry. These jerseys have special designs that aim to ensure that nurses can work comfortably and maintain hygiene standards. It has many features and functions:

Long Sleeve Design: Designed with long sleeves to provide extra protection when working in cold environments. It also provides hygiene by minimizing contact with the skin.

Ease of Movement: Designed to not restrict mobility, thus allowing nurses or medical staff to work comfortably.

Durability: Made from durable fabrics in a busy working environment, which makes the jersey last a long time.

Functional Pockets: There are lots of pockets for nurses to carry the medical supplies they need. These pockets allow storage of equipment such as stethoscope, thermometer, pens, notebooks.

Professional Appearance: Provides a professional appearance when interacting with patients. It can also be used as part of a corporate identity.

Various Color and Pattern Options: There are different color and pattern options according to the preferences of the health institution.

Long-sleeved nurse jerseys are an important type of clothing designed specifically to increase nurses comfort and performance. These jerseys help to make the daily work of medical staff more efficient and effective.