

ud83cudf4bu2600ufe0fud83dudcabud83cudf1f YUZU Collection ud83cudf1fud83dudcabu2600ufe0fud83cudf4b

Rounded woolen creation with fringes (meeting my old weavings and the Lily) made entirely by hand with noble, ethical and luxurious wools like merino wool and baby alpaca ud83eudd99 I also used kid mohair lemon-colored heart ud83cudf4b and the fringes are made of alpaca ud83eudd99 like the idea of an Indian headdress u2716ufe0fud83dudcabud83cudf1f

I applied gold-plated leaf to the ends ud83cudf1f and to the heart of the weave ud83dudcab

Colors: White and lemon yellow ud83cudf4b

Very soft, cocooning creation, perfect for warming and sprucing up your wall ud83dudca5

Her name: YUZU QUEEN - 52 cm wide by 110 cm long

Unique piece made with care and love u2600ufe0f