

Each pony offered has small flaws that justify the price.
They are all authentic, unopened and externally washed, straightened horsehair.

ud83dudc9aMinty Italy Hasbro 83:
Hair and tail cut.
Rusty Tail Ring
Head off.
3 gray areas on the side

ud83dudc9cLove Melody Hasbro 87 HK:
Bleached hair and those on the head with a slight odor
1 poorly printed heart
->Rust on the tail.
1 bitten ear
No stains
No cut or missing hairs

ud83eude76Tickle Italy Hasbro 84:
Symbols erased
Missing left eye
Light pink/red stains on left side
No cut or missing hairs.
No visible signs of rust

ud83eudd0dSurprise Italy Hasbro 84:
Missing hair (5 plugs in double row) at the base of the neck
Uncut horsehair
Light brown spots on the hind legs
1 very light pink line near the mouth
1 pattern slightly erased.
No visible sign of rust

ud83eude75 Apple Sugar Hasbro 84 HK:
Bite on the muzzle
1 blue spot on the buttocks
1 blue spot on the hind leg
1 pink spot on one wing.
1 trace of glue on the neck
ud83dude0dud83dudc49 It is still lightly scented ud83cudf6d
Hair not cut or missing.
The ends of the hairs are a little dry
No visible signs of rust.

ud83eude77 Cotton candy Italy Hasbro 82:
1 wick cut in the mane.
The tail doesn't seem to be cut but I'm not sure.
Trace of rust on the tail.
Slight musty smell on the hair
Patterns partially erased.
several pink spots on the body
several gray or dirty areas, areas of friction and small scratches.

The list of defects is done as best as possible. However, I am not perfect and there may be 1 that I missed. If this is the case I apologize.