

One of the most important problems faced by every country or is about to happen. That is pollution of the world which will be destroyed day by day without knowing it. If everyone thinks that it's not their own problem or that we alone can't fix it. you are wrong And if we don't help each other a little bit When that day arrives, it may be too late. We would like to be a part in helping to reduce the toxic air pollution of PM 2.5 dust, which if anyone has not experienced the problem, will not be able to know the dangers of PM 2.5 dust, do not let it be too late to fix it. We therefore try to find products made from natural materials. All SkenNova products use natural materials to prevent pollution from the environment. and we will continue

Authentic short bamboo grass broom made from kong grass. It is excellent for sweeping away dust and clean up all small messes from the end of the corner PC, laptop etc.

Our whisk broom grass product is unique design to offer perfect cleaning features while also being very easy to use.

Quantity: 3 Units
1 Unit of 12 inch & 2 unit of 20 inch