

This item got Certificate of Best Design and Standard Products for 2nd following year 2017

The Common Broom is an ancient implement for domestic cleanliness that no one knows when first appeared in human history. The floor is endlessly collecting dirt and dust so the home has to be cleaned properly for the health and well -being of child and adult alike. Therefore, every household needs an effective Broom. The Broom may have been first invented outside of Thailand but the Thai correctly defined the effective, natural Broom when they created the Thai Flower Broom from the lush flora across the nation.

The Thai Flower Broom has been used for over a century by locals that discovered the skill of making a Broom not only to clean but spread a pleasant, natural bouquet around every home. In fact, harsh chemicals are NOT needed with the magic of the Thai Flower Broom. Your precious floors will be swept, soothed and cleaned in the correct manner every time with the Thai Flower Broom.

The International marketplace can now have this incredible implement in every home across the globe. This Broom gets at the dirt and dust in every nook and cranny of your ho,e w itu2019s this efficient implement.
Presently, our company provides the uncompromising quality of the Thai Flower Broom to people shopping online. We are the first company to introduce the Broom with the spunbond bag concept that is now being sold across the world. In fact, 85% of our International customers are from across the 50 American states. The demand for this innovative Broom is now rising and expanding into Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England, Finland, Norway and Sweden

The Thai Flower Broom is an unmatchable product made with unique Thai craftsmanship and local knowledge of nature. The flower grows profusely across the northern Thai regions from November to February. The Thai locals collect the flower grass and dry it in the intense sun. u00a0After the drying process, they shake the pedicel of pollen and use the pedicel of the flower to create the exquisitely broom head. The Thai people know how to clean a floor like the west knows how to clean a dining room table. The local Thai consider the floor as a sacred space where eating, drinking and socializing are commonly done. In fact, most floors are so clean they can be eaten off of in Thailand. The Thai Flower Broom is a natural tool that can be seen in the hands of every maid across the ancient nation. In fact, the Thai Flower Broom is made from 100% natural material of flower grass that grows from a gorgeous smelling flower across Thailand. The durable handle of the broom is made of bamboo. The highest quality spunbond fabric bag comes with every unit.
To conclude, the Thai Flower Broom has a variety of sizes and styles due to being made in different areas of the nation. The local people define the special appearance of the Thai Flower Broom passed down from generation to generation. The incredible skills of their ancestors are key to the enduring quality of this essential broom. The international or domestic customer has a choice of broom style that they prefer.

Cleaning Dirty Dust, Garbage, Hairs etc in and out door
Sizes : 12 inch x 40 inch