

New England college graduation gift idea Shell Jewelry Dish. College graduation gift New England university graduation gift idea cape cod

Blue & white hydrangeas shell trinket, jewelry, AirPods, Catchall or ring shell dish. Perfect for a boys baby shower favor or gift idea, destination beach wedding favor, as a luxury favor, bachelorette proposal gift, bridal party favor or as a present for Mom, present for stepmom or bonus mom.

ud83eude75This decoupaged oyster shell Catchall dish is also the perfect home decor addition to your coastal or New England or Southern coastal home decor and makes a thoughtful hostess, housewarming, bridesmaid, mother of the groom/bride, or birthday or anniversary gift!

ud83dudc1aThis decoupaged dish also works well as a destination wedding favor gift and is the perfect addition to your destination wedding planning! Finally, use it as a bridesmaid proposal gift!

Display it alongside any decor in your home and/or have it play a practical role on your dresser, vanity, sink or side table as a jewelry, trinket Catchall or AirPods dish! Or use it as a salt cellar on your dining table. It is a unique way to showcase your love for all things from the ocean and gives off New England, Nantucket and Southern coastal vibes.

Traditionally, oyster shells are known as symbols of protection and luck. Decorative papers have been applied, sealed and each shell is painted on the back and edges with gold leaf paint to add some glam. This stunning piece can also double as a beautiful coffee table accent or a unique coastal gift.

Each decoupaged oyster shell is unique, but most measure about 4 1/2 in width and 3. 1/4" in depth.

If this is a gift I can include a personal note, just message me what you would like to say in the "note to seller comments" at checkout and the recipient's address.