

Do you love order in the work area?ud83eudd14
In general, the workplace can tell a lot. For example, how much you love your job.

In this case, you definitely need our organizers for hairdressing tools!
Keep your scissors and combs easily accessible and neatly organized with our customizable storage solutions. Impress your clients with a more professional workspace.

Made of high-quality materials for durability and long-term use.
u2705Our organizers are ecological, made of natural wood, durable and can be disinfected.
u2705Each surface of the organizer is smooth, impregnated with water-based dyes that enhance the smell of wood.
u2705Organizer covered with unique and natural wood patterns.

Height 13.7
Length 26
Width 12

ud83cudf81 We can also put your logo, or any inscription on the organizers.

Order now and see the difference in your work efficiency.